Marriage Applications & Licenses



In order to become legally married in North Dakota, the couple must obtain a marriage license within 60 days prior to a marriage ceremony taking place. Marriage licenses issued in North Dakota may only be used for ceremonies taking place within the state. 

To apply for a marriage license the following is required:

  • Marriage license fee of $65.00 cash only.
  • Both parties must be at least 18 years of age.
    • If between the ages of 16 and 18, signed parental consent is required.
    • Parents must accompany the applicant and have proof of identity and parental relationship.
    • No one under the age of 16 will be issued a marriage license.
  • Valid Driver's License or other photo ID. (Names on ID must match any name change or divorce decree documents)
  • If either party has been previously married, one of the following must be submitted with the application:
    • Certified copy of most recent divorce decree
    • Certified copy of most recent spouse's death certificate


To obtain a certified copy of a divorce decree, please contact the County Clerk of Court where the divorce took place. If the divorce occurred in Stark County, a certified copy can be obtained from the Clerk of Court in the County Courthouse 701-227-3184 (Located next to the Recorder's Office).


To obtain a certified death certificate, please contact Vital Records in the state the death occurred. Contact North Dakota Vital Records if the death occurred in North Dakota.